sspian lg... err.. haha.. but xpe laa ^_^ !!
act nie pon cam bru knal.. tu pon sbb ad secret yg should be revealed...
xpsl2.. asl F je ngan dak tu...
first2 knal nk kate annoying teramat la mampos pon bley !!
sengal !! but lame2..
baik.. friendly.. understanding... *baldi weiii !!!!!
haha..8A kan ?? congrats ar....
so next year satu dorm ngan F eah ??? kalo yee... tlg jaga bley ??
hahaha.. jap2.. org pnggil ko baby kan ?
then baby jg adult ?? <--- bley eah ? just t8 care of yourself dah la ^_^
*blurr kowt... so all the best lahh next year.. ( orchest )
ok.. tu je kowt.. toodles~
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